# buckets ./. # iterations required for convergence
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Author:  Nose [ Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  # buckets ./. # iterations required for convergence

Does anyone have experience on (roughly) how many iterations more are required if you double the number of buckets?

There are so many reasonable assumptions one can make that lead to so many different conclusions. I've been thinking about this for too long now. So far the main factors I consider relevant are:

p_{s,i} := ”Probabiliy of bucket i of street s being dealt out'
b_{s,i} := "Amount of hands bucket i on street s requires to be played to converge”

To me the questions is: Does b_{s,i} depend on only/mainly its equity (which would imply a linear relationship) or on all other buckets b_{s,j}, i!=j foreach j (which would imply ... Yes, what? )

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