Advice on how to make the bot understand board textures?
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Author:  Getrdyforthe [ Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Advice on how to make the bot understand board textures?

I'm not sure how much work it would take to make the bot be able to evaluate hand strength on different board textures and then guess a range for villain and evaluate his range's strength for the board texture as well and then use the info result to make a decision.. even just heads up it seems like a massive project.
and when i say info result I don't mean only a percentage but something that's usable by a human to design the strategy the bot should use such as.. "villains strength is xx%, but because he x/c flop that's a line he takes often with bottom pairs." I don't mean I want this exact type of info result but you get the idea I hope!

I mean, there's a lot of different types of info results you can have the bot give you.. maybe you just want something simple that checks if you have a pair or any gutshot etc and remembers lines villain has taken preflop to assign him a range for the flop and so on..

I don't know maybe it's not too big project? lol
Or is it?

Author:  shalako [ Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advice on how to make the bot understand board textures?

Its not difficult but it takes time. On different board textures you just have to assign different ranges. I generally classify a board into 5 different types: Wet, Dry, Mixed, Paired and Lockdown. The villain will be betting different ranges on each type with the stronger ranges OOP and looser IP. Example..on a wet board the villain will have to bet a very tight range OOP as his chances of getting called is high. IP the villain would be betting his good hands and and big chunk of his weak hands and checking back the rest. Also the types of draws he would bet would be different OOP and IP as well. Generally OOP your limited to betting only the nut draws unless its some kind of combo draw (pair+draw etc). At higher stakes your also going to see alot of balancing to protect calling ranges. That is when all this gets complicated...

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