what are you guys using to save all your solutions once your models are finished
i have read many are using api in symfony which looks something like this
{ "big_blind":20.0, "flop_cards":"Jd2dTh", "hand_id":"f29805e4-e526-4r8c-8c4d-6a61268583e5", "is_deal":1, "player_cards":"Kd6d", "pot_current":60.0, "r1actions":"25 65 CL", "r2actions":"", "r3actions":"", "r4actions":"", "river_cards":"", "round_nb":2, "small_blind":5.0, "turn_cards":"" }
Mongodb looks interesting for this as well? what do you guys prefer or what is the difference? Also my biggest question. How do we import it into these databases?
i am thankful for any hints or advice as i am just starting to learn all of this. would be as well thankful if you can provide me good sources to read up