I'm not a rootkit expert, but as far as I know, if it's done right the poker client has little chance to detect it. Having said that, the more popular route for screen scraping nowadays is just to have the client in VM and control the VM from the host (VM engines have VNC interfaces to do that). This way you're 100% legit, apart from the flag raised by running in the VM.
As mentioned, I have planned on using screen scraping with Bring to get state from the poker client. But I made that choice because the alternatives I could find to screen scraping all seemed so difficult to implement, adapt to new sites and to maintain. But I don't know, maybe screen scraping is outdated and I should really use some other method. What is state of the art today?
Detecting is easy, I'd be more concerned about solving them in the limited time available.
When you say detecting is easy, do you mean by using a windows hook or with screen scraping? As I said previously, I haven't started researching this yet, so any info I can get here will be helpful.