shalako wrote:
Because with the method I've explained the bot would just take control all the time of the keyboard/mouse to search the lobby so I can't click the fold/check/bet/etc buttons.
Yeah..I am not sure how that would work with you playing at the same time. No idea on that one.
I had one idea over a nights sleep.. You need to do it on a network that has more than one skin so you can be online on at least 2 skins on the same network on 2 different computers.. one computer does all the searching and when it finally finds a profitable seat it just send the message over to the computer I'm playing on and it should be close to instant for it to seat me when it already has found a seat.. You should also make it check before it takes control of keyboard/mouse to seat me that it locks me out from interfering with the bot seating me down if I'm in the middle of typing something etc and another check on the timebanks on all tables so it don't interrupt me when it's just a few seconds remaining.
The downside is just sending the message over to the other computer, not sure how bad that is..
I also looked at microgamings ToS and it says "use of internet 'bots' and/or automated scripts" is prohibited.
Although if I get this auto seating bot working I would be tempted to play at pokerstars, it's a tougher site than others but with a bot like this to table select for you it can probably be the most profitable site since it has so much players 24/7.
But yeah, then the problem is you need 2 computers since VM's are red flags and someway to pass incoming traffic undetected.. like the KVM2USB but maybe there is a cheaper way?
Oh, edit: This idea don't work on pokerstars since it's independant site haha.
another edit: Actually it would work on pokerstars as well since you can search without being logged in but you still need 2 computers