Upon a review of your account, we find that you are running an automated player program, commonly known as a "bot". The running of a bot is against the Terms of Service to which you agreed when opening your PokerStars account. Those Terms of Service are located here:
http://www.pokerstars.eu/poker/room/tos/ Among them are these terms:
5.6 AUTOMATIC PLAYERS (BOTS). The use of artificial
intelligence including, without limitation, "robots" is
strictly forbidden in connection with the Software and the
Games. All actions taken in relation to the Games by a
User must be executed personally by players through the
user interface accessible by use of the Software.
5.9 FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOUR In the event that PokerStars
deems that a User has engaged or attempted to engage in
fraudulent, unlawful, dishonest or improper activity while
using the Service, including without limitation, engaging
in any of the activities set forth above [...] PokerStars
shall be entitled to take such action as it sees fit,
including immediately blocking access to the Service,
[and] terminating such User's account with PokerStars
[...], seizing all monies held in the User's PokerStars
account [...]
All assets remaining in your PokerStars account will be seized and used to reimburse players affected by unfair play.
You are barred from future play on all internet poker platforms operated by The Rational Group. This consists of Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars under all of its various licenses. Do not attempt to play on any of these platforms. Any account we find you to be using, whether it belongs to yourself or a friend, will be closed and all funds within will be confiscated.
Ian Y
Game Integrity Team