I think it won't work - if I understood it correctly - and here's why:
1. Lets assume we have a node and found with datamining that most bets are 30% or 70% of the pot. Then, the expected betsize - given we perform the selection randomly - is 50% pot, hence our algorithm would lead to exactly the same EV like a fixed betsize of half pot. What might be valuable however, is to mine the observed bet sizes and uses the information when creating our game tree by using the average (if we only want one betting node).
2. The problem with the tree size is not that easy. Assume we have observed that players bet postflop either 50% or 100% pot. We are in the first postflop node with a pot of 4bb and have 18bb stacks. The possible final potsizes if P2 can only call are:
- b0.5, b0,5, b0,5: 32 - valid
- b0,5, b0,5, b1: 48 - valid, but we are all-in with last bet
- b1, b1, b1: 108 - invalid, we would be all in on the turn already!
Given there are multiple raises possible, the range of possible final pot sizes increases in practice way more...
3. Regarding exploitability: I dont see what we gain if we follow your approach. Lets assume we have a betting node and the model sais its either bet 50% or 100% pot. Villain wants to exploit us and bets 50% with all his draws/weaker hands and 100% purely for value. I'd guess its still possible, right?
Let me know if I misinterpreted something with your idea. And sorry for playing the devils advocate - I appreciate the discussion a lot