What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?
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Author:  CaptnCanary [ Fri May 05, 2017 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

I believe Q7o is the average hand value preflop though I'm not concerned whether that's correct. What I would like to know or work out is the average hand on the subsequent betting rounds in a HUNL Texas Holdem game. I was wondering if anybody has done or knows how to do this?
I'm expecting answers such as:

Flop: TTK72
Turn: QQ876
River: AA876

The reason I would like to know this is that I've programmed a bot that acts randomly, and my next step is to program a bot that beats it. So I just need to continue in the hand if my hand strength at each betting round is above average in order to be profitable in the long run against a random hand.


Author:  CaptnCanary [ Sat May 06, 2017 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

Since nobody replied I've started running some simulations to test this out. I've found that the median hands post flop for randomly dealt hands are:
Flop AKQJ6
Turn 66AT7
River JJAT7
More surprising to me was thenumber of tied hands in my simulation. I'm getting 4% of hands turning out as a split pot. Does that seem right to anybody who may have looked at this kind of thing? Seems high to me.

Author:  spears [ Sat May 06, 2017 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

I don't understand these questions. Why does the flop have 5 cards?
Flop: TTK72

I've never actually calculated the average number of ties, but 4% seems very high. I'd expect something like 2.2%. What is it the average of? All boards with uniformly distributed hole cards?

Author:  CaptnCanary [ Sat May 06, 2017 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

I'm using hole cards too so flop has 5 cards, turn 6, river 7.
In the simulations, at each stage I'm getting the index of the hand strength using the klaatu hand evaluator. I've been running the simulation for 10million hands and counting ties where the klaatu value for each player was equal at the river. Each time I get over 400k ties.
After running the simulations I look up the median hand value and those hands are what I've got. I figure that if my hand strength is better than the median value then betting ought to be profitable in the long term versus a random acting bot. The simulations are all HU with hole cards dealt for both players.

Author:  spears [ Sat May 06, 2017 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?


Author:  CaptnCanary [ Sat May 06, 2017 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

You mean you get 4.3%?

Author:  spears [ Sun May 07, 2017 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

yes, 4.09% this run

object CountTies extends App {
  val noSimulations = 1e7.toInt
  var noTies = 0
  for (i <- 0 until noSimulations) {
    val board = Hand.random(5)
    val cards = {
      val cardSet = Set.empty[Card]
      while (cardSet.size != 4) {
        val card = Card.random
        if(!board.contains(card)) cardSet += card
    val river1 = board + cards(0) + cards(1)
    val river2 = board + cards(2) + cards(3)

    if(river1.rank == river2.rank) noTies += 1
  println(noTies.toDouble / noSimulations.toDouble)

Author:  CaptnCanary [ Sun May 07, 2017 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

OK cool. I get 4.06% to 4.07% running 10 times more hands so that seems very close.

Author:  AlexMoore [ Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?

The only sport I am going to bet on in 2021 NFL. First of all, it is the only sport I understand how to play. Second, I am a big fan of this sport since I was a child. Third, I have watched so many NFL matches during my whole life that it is not so hard for me to make predictions on matches. I tried to make bets on other sport, but it wasn't a good idea. I have lost a lot of money because I don't know anything about the teams. I even tried to find some picks by other people online, but it didn't work. I could do that kind of prediction by myself.

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