nbiresev wrote:
What would be advantage of your software comparing to open holdem tool for table maps?
There so many advantages that I could forgot to write some
but lets start.
1. It can capture hardware. And not only capture, but realtime render too. And not only specific hardware, but almost all.(90+% that I and my customers have ever tried)
2. It can draw advises direct on a table. So you need no more watch on your bot window for advise. For example it can draw advice + different color rects direct on your poker table buttons. With this you can easy play 9 tables while drinking a cofee. (tested)
3. Openholdem and tablemaps have no enought poverfull functions to recognise some hard things. For example this winamax stacks:
winamax stack orign.png [ 20.18 KiB | Viewed 19479 times ]
hardware captured.png [ 13.87 KiB | Viewed 19479 times ]
4. It have not functions to find tables on a window. Especialy fast find. (So with my OCR you need not specifi table position
5. After you go through 7 circles of hell, and finaly got recognized items... what you will do with them? For most advanced bots (pio for example) you need whole hand, not just current pot, stacks, cards. but also all previous moves on this hand. They dont provide anything to solve this problem. And it is realy big problem!! (for my opinion it was mutch harder then do ocr).
6. It provides TCP/IP connection with the server. So if you bot is like super pc with 100Gb precalculated pio trees, it will be wery usefull to use 1 superbot for many players.
7. Same protocol for all sites, so no any problem to use superbot with many clients on different sites too.
(tired, may be forgot somthing)