Good way to estimate opponent range postflop
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Author:  Zazzou [ Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Good way to estimate opponent range postflop


I'm using a rules based bot working with OpenHoldem and I would like to correctly estimate opponent range postflop.
The easiest way was to write all possibles scenarios postflop and group them by hand strength.
Do you know something else ?

First solution :
"Vilain is making a second barrel, well for this kind of player he got TPBK and more".
Drawback : I need lots of hand strength group relate to opponent type and current scenario.

Second solution :
We are on flop, I create a heatmap between my perceived range and preflop vilain range.
"In this scenario, I will only take hands with 30% equity or more"
Drawback : Bad players doesn't have any comprehensions about perceived range.

What's is the best way for you ?
All advices are welcome :)


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Author:  mlatinjo [ Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good way to estimate opponent range postflop


I estimate bot percieved preflop range and villain and start with that. If villain bets, I estimate what is bot perceived defend vs bet range, and
and using that I can estimate what value hands can villain bet by using equity. I read from stats his cbet frequency and his bluff frequency which is how I add bluffs to his range. Surely, on especially on micros many players will be making big mistakes for estimating value hands, so I add some additional combos as overplay combos, and the worst the player is I add more.

Author:  Zazzou [ Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good way to estimate opponent range postflop

mlatinjo wrote:
I can estimate what value hands can villain bet by using equity

Thanks for your comment.
Sounds like the heatmap solution, nop ? If I understand, by example :
- Against reg players, you will take 40% equity and more,
- Against bad players, with more combos, you will take hands with 20% and more.

That's right ?

Author:  mlatinjo [ Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good way to estimate opponent range postflop

By the definition, you can value bet if equity of your hand has > 50% vs villain's defend range. It doesn't matter if villain is the best player or the worst, it is still > 50%. There are some occasions when you want to bet hands that have equity 40-50%, which is for protection purpose. For preflop ranges I use similar to heat map solution. For postflop I use player stats (or if not enough sample I use populaton stats), also I read from DB how often a player bluffs or cbets for specific condition (like board texture, position, number of players in pot, bet size ...).

Author:  Zazzou [ Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good way to estimate opponent range postflop

When I say "You take hand > 40%" I mean opponent range will only be hands > 40% equity against your own range.
Then make equity between your hand and this selected hands.

I don't know if was enough explicit ;)

Author:  mlatinjo [ Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good way to estimate opponent range postflop

Zazzou wrote:
When I say "You take hand > 40%" I mean opponent range will only be hands > 40% equity against your own range.
Then make equity between your hand and this selected hands.

I don't know if was enough explicit ;)

Hi, it is wrong to consider only equity when defining villain's defend range. Because there is a concept of floating in poker, which means that you can even call hands that have 0% equity because opponent will check fold on the following street often frequent. Also there are some hands like draws that have e.g. 20% equity which is less than you defined 40% but such hands have good implied odds, meaning that the hand can improve to the strong hand and take additional money on the following streets.

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