Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2014-05-05T03:46:42+00:00 2014-05-05T03:46:42+00:00 2014-05-05T03:46:42+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Looking for OmahaHi expert]]> Statistics: Posted by AutomateIt — Mon May 05, 2014 3:46 am

2014-04-16T04:44:30+00:00 2014-04-16T04:44:30+00:00 <![CDATA[Looking for OmahaHi expert]]>
We are looking for expert in pot limit OmahaHi to implement cash game startegy. Preferably Russian speaking person.

If you want to cooperate with us you should have:
- BASIC knowledge and skills in programming
- clear understanding of OmahaHi strategy for beating low and mid stakes
- understading of statistics parameters, capability to exploit opponents according to their statistics
- opportunity to move to our town in Russia (Siberia)

We offer:
- visual strategy editor with automatic C++ code generation
- full enviroment to test and run your strategy as soon as it is ready
- comfortable workplace

About cooperation:
- you will have % of profit made with your strategy
- full day work until your strategy starts winning
- you are supposed to be winning poker player and be able to feed yourself while cooperating with us

Please post your questions here or contuct us at [email protected]

Statistics: Posted by AutomateIt — Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:44 am
