Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2018-10-01T07:25:09+00:00 2018-10-01T07:25:09+00:00 2018-10-01T07:25:09+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Sagittarius ABZ any good?]]> Thanks

Statistics: Posted by InterestedinAI — Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:25 am

2018-06-26T08:08:40+00:00 2018-06-26T08:08:40+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Sagittarius ABZ any good?]]> mlatinjo wrote:

Hi, with that bot you have to configure your own strategy. It doesn't provide you strategy that prints money.
So first requirement is that you configure a good strategy. I think that configuring strategy via gui can't be very profitable because you are limited at configuring strategy, you can't do all you would like to do. I never used it but I have heard from a guy that he is playing on stars 3 months undetected, only some MTTs and plays breakeven, but in plus with rakeback. Off course if he can make profit with his strategy configuration it doesn't mean that you will make it but it is good to know that it is possible. Anyway I think that you can't configure very profitable bot due to being limited to using only gui of the bot (only what he offers you to configure). But if you don't care much about 389 euros, it might be worth playing with it.
By the way as I have read, you can even define strategy for certain players, so I can imagine that it would be a lot of work to do if you want it to make profit. Probably it would be easier to learn poker strategy yourself and make money that way.

Hi mlatinjo..
Could you please bring me in contact with this guy,cause I have purchased it and i would like some suggestions if possible!

Statistics: Posted by playbot1985 — Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:08 am

2017-03-23T15:08:20+00:00 2017-03-23T15:08:20+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Sagittarius ABZ any good?]]> So first requirement is that you configure a good strategy. I think that configuring strategy via gui can't be very profitable because you are limited at configuring strategy, you can't do all you would like to do. I never used it but I have heard from a guy that he is playing on stars 3 months undetected, only some MTTs and plays breakeven, but in plus with rakeback. Off course if he can make profit with his strategy configuration it doesn't mean that you will make it but it is good to know that it is possible. Anyway I think that you can't configure very profitable bot due to being limited to using only gui of the bot (only what he offers you to configure). But if you don't care much about 389 euros, it might be worth playing with it.
By the way as I have read, you can even define strategy for certain players, so I can imagine that it would be a lot of work to do if you want it to make profit. Probably it would be easier to learn poker strategy yourself and make money that way.

Statistics: Posted by mlatinjo — Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:08 pm

2017-03-23T08:26:37+00:00 2017-03-23T08:26:37+00:00 <![CDATA[Sagittarius ABZ any good?]]>
So before even considering investing in such a bot, I googled around for more info. Except, there isn't much info about this bot out there.

I found one user review:

In that thread, you can also find that it is probably based on open holdem. On paper, it looks good, with lots of features. Eg. It hides from poker clients by hiding the .exe from the task list or using another .exe ame from the program files folder. It mimics natural mouse movements, which looks pretty good

And it's also very user-friendly and capable of adapting depending on what kind of user-type you're up against, TAG, LAG etc.

But all of this, with the fact that I can't find much info about it online makes me consider if this might be one of those too good to be true scenarios. I'm sure it works as advertised, but not sure about how good it actually is with avoiding being banned.

So is there anyone who knows more about this bot? Anyone who has used it for a longer period of time on sites like stars, without being banned? Any info is appreciated. I don't know if this is the right forum for this kind of question, but I hope you guys can help me out.

Statistics: Posted by Alchemist123 — Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:26 am
