Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2013-08-21T17:43:56+00:00 2013-08-21T17:43:56+00:00 2013-08-21T17:43:56+00:00 <![CDATA[Wet or Dry Boards]]>
I have quite a bit of code dealing with wet or dry boards but there seems to be controversy on how to play them. One theory is you should c bet dry boards frequently because it was unlikely to hit the villains range and he will fold. But the flip side is that any decent player knows that its also very likely it didnt hit me as well as I can only rep a small number of hands. So what to do? What would be GTO? I think its balance is the answer but I am not exactly sure.

Right now I have it pretty much c betting all boards but checking back some value hands/air to remain polarized. OOP I have it check raising wet boards with any kind of equity (like a gutter, draws, backdoor combo draws etc) and floating some dry boards for a turn check raise bluff if I know his range to be weak.

Statistics: Posted by shalako — Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:43 pm
