Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2017-08-30T22:04:32+00:00 2017-08-30T22:04:32+00:00 2017-08-30T22:04:32+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Best way to calculate the handstrength]]>

In conclusion, I think I have to rewrite my poker hand evaluator directly in tensorflow. I'm working on google cloud, so the ram and cpu limits are given by those that I can reasonably afford. What do you think is the most appropriate algorithm?
I'm thinking this:

- Batch, build the kevin's rule rank hash table for all 7 cards hands ( 133784560 hand ranks, every saved as a 4 byte integer so only 0,5 GB, maybe i've made a mistake seems too small). 64 cpu may cost 0.10-0.20$/hour, tips for parallelize this process?

- Online, for every hand simulate for N times a random opponent hand and a random board and update the win total of the hand through a table lookup. Here I can parallelize over the simulation (or over the hands).

-Return the win totals array / N.

I plan to make the batch script building the hash table in cython (reusing the code of the project in my first post) and then to use it in a pure tensorflow python API app.

Statistics: Posted by AlephZero — Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:04 pm

2017-08-29T21:06:13+00:00 2017-08-29T21:06:13+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Best way to calculate the handstrength]]> ... /
Its a Monte Carlo simulation for python, with some minor adjustments you can make work in python 3+. Take in consideration that on if you give a board, it calculate the exact probability even if you specify you don't want the exact calculation. If you want to run a simulation you have to delete "if given_board is not None" from run_simulation() in

Statistics: Posted by ProfundMadman — Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:06 pm

2017-08-23T10:04:29+00:00 2017-08-23T10:04:29+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Best way to calculate the handstrength]]> Statistics: Posted by spears — Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:04 am

2017-08-20T10:53:21+00:00 2017-08-20T10:53:21+00:00 <![CDATA[Best way to calculate the handstrength]]> Any advice? This should be a good starting point .

Statistics: Posted by AlephZero — Sun Aug 20, 2017 10:53 am
