Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2023-11-10T02:51:21+00:00 2023-11-10T02:51:21+00:00 2023-11-10T02:51:21+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Testing your poker bot]]> You can now challenge our AI on for any blind under 85 BB (and 200 BB as well). Rules are similar to Slumbot ones: stacks reset after each hand.
Ping me if you have any question.

Statistics: Posted by GtoKing — Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:51 am

2023-11-09T20:14:19+00:00 2023-11-09T20:14:19+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Welcome and Hello]]>
I'm a poker enthusiast and C++ programmer. I did a poker bot too that you can challenge here:

Statistics: Posted by GtoKing — Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:14 pm

2023-10-23T18:47:51+00:00 2023-10-23T18:47:51+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • how can i play safely on pokerstars in a disallowed country?]]> Is there a way to play safely on pokerstars by connecting remotely to the computer?

Statistics: Posted by bigdickus9 — Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:47 pm

2023-10-17T11:05:58+00:00 2023-10-17T11:05:58+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: What kind of hardware do you need to make a good bot?]]> Statistics: Posted by Fenyajaddy — Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:05 am

2023-09-01T14:13:13+00:00 2023-09-01T14:13:13+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> 3A 娛樂城

Statistics: Posted by mudasir5454 — Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:13 pm

2023-07-13T13:10:43+00:00 2023-07-13T13:10:43+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: The Great Youtube Thread]]> buy YouTube subs. It can be a great way to boost your subscriber count and increase your channel's visibility.

Statistics: Posted by Eallamyld — Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:10 pm

2023-07-13T12:36:32+00:00 2023-07-13T12:36:32+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: The Great Youtube Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by Clarerisa — Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:36 pm

2023-07-13T12:10:14+00:00 2023-07-13T12:10:14+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • The Great Youtube Thread]]> For everyone on the Hive that has a Youtube channel, let this be the place to share it! Maybe you'll get more subs and views, maybe you'll find some super cool content you never knew you needed in your life!

Feel free to share your channel or new videos you upload! (I'll create an index on this main post for all the users Youtube channels), when you post your channel, give at least a small description of what your channel is all about!

Channel Index:
Abelhawk - Abelhawk (Warcraft III Easter Egg Channel)
BlackEnvyX - BlackMalachite (Black Malachite, Music / Music Commentary Channel)
Daffa the Mage - Daffa Abiyyu (Warcraft Modding Channel)
Deepstrasz - deep strasz (Music / Hive Contest Channel)
Jayborino - JayborinoPlays (Custom Warcraft III Campaign Channel)
Kyrbi0 - Khyrberos (Content to be determined)
Nightstalker - (Music Channel)
Phantawalker - Phantawalker - Composer (Music Channel)
Retera - TheShorka (Warcraft 3 Modeling / Tutorial Channel)
Rollboat - Kirka Kirkata (Music Channel)
Shar Dundred - Shar Dundred (Content to be determined)
Sliced - Centurion (Warcraft III Tutorials / Custom Campaign Channel)
WTII - wtiiwarcraft (Warcraft III / Reforged Channel)
YetAnotherYoutuber - YetAnotherYoutuber (Custom Warcraft III Campaign Channel)

Statistics: Posted by AlterBee — Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:10 pm

2023-03-04T10:18:25+00:00 2023-03-04T10:18:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Python, in which direction to move?]]> botanik wrote:

From the 5 minutes I spent reading it I'd say that is a very good summary. (Though DeepMind didn't develop DeepStack)

Statistics: Posted by spears — Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:18 am

2023-03-02T15:25:07+00:00 2023-03-02T15:25:07+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Python, in which direction to move?]]> spears wrote:

Welcome to the forum.

I'm not familiar with the very latest research but you will not go too far wrong by looking at to start with. You should find the algorithm you want to implement before making a decision on the programming language. It's likely that Python will not be fast enough.

Thank you for the warm welcome)
I will definitely get acquainted with your link. Recently I found such a tutorial how much is it viable?

Statistics: Posted by botanik — Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:25 pm

2023-03-02T12:50:59+00:00 2023-03-02T12:50:59+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Python, in which direction to move?]]>
I'm not familiar with the very latest research but you will not go too far wrong by looking at to start with. You should find the algorithm you want to implement before making a decision on the programming language. It's likely that Python will not be fast enough.

Statistics: Posted by spears — Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:50 pm

2023-03-02T12:21:38+00:00 2023-03-02T12:21:38+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Python, in which direction to move?]]> Interested in tournament poker at max 8. Are my thoughts correct or not? I read information for newcomers to the forum, read the works of the most active topics of this forum. Many of the links don't work. And I'm also limited to Python programming) I have an open holdem bot profile.
Written with comrades over the past 3 years. and I would like to transfer these ideas to the algorithm and machine learning models. Please give me feedback on my condition.

Statistics: Posted by botanik — Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:21 pm

2023-02-20T15:05:24+00:00 2023-02-20T15:05:24+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Places to overnight. Small business, close to I-5]]>
Redding, CA is known for its scenic beauty and outdoor activities.
Ashland, OR is a great stop for its unique shopping and dining experiences.
Grants Pass, OR is another great place for outdoor activities and scenic beauty.

And for overnight parking, you might want to check out RV parks and campgrounds along the way. Some popular options include:

KOA campgrounds
Elks Lodges
National Forest Service campgrounds

I hope this helps and have a great time on your road trip! And if you're interested in learning more about business valuation, you can check out this link: Good luck!

Statistics: Posted by SamuelJeremy — Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:05 pm

2023-02-20T09:53:05+00:00 2023-02-20T09:53:05+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Places to overnight. Small business, close to I-5]]> Statistics: Posted by DenjiSpeosa — Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:53 am

2023-02-17T13:28:37+00:00 2023-02-17T13:28:37+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Places to overnight. Small business, close to I-5]]> Thanks!

Statistics: Posted by Mwinobog — Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:28 pm

2023-01-26T08:24:43+00:00 2023-01-26T08:24:43+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Is it worth it to play online poker with a bot]]> Statistics: Posted by ColtPierce — Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:24 am

2022-12-08T14:26:49+00:00 2022-12-08T14:26:49+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Crypto Currency]]> ecn trading platform. He showed my how he’s able to sell the crypto he made at a higher price and now I’m learning the basics to do the same. It seems like a reliable business strategy, but cryptocurrency is not always stable, so I’ll see how it goes.

Statistics: Posted by karinbenz — Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:26 pm

2022-12-08T14:11:49+00:00 2022-12-08T14:11:49+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Crypto Currency]]> Statistics: Posted by Kenderstton — Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:11 pm

2022-06-16T11:08:16+00:00 2022-06-16T11:08:16+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Build own GTO trainer (experienced dev)]]> Statistics: Posted by JPE23 — Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:08 am

2022-03-30T04:16:53+00:00 2022-03-30T04:16:53+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Is it worth it to play online poker with a bot]]> Statistics: Posted by Tricyclemagic — Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:16 am

2022-02-23T14:04:41+00:00 2022-02-23T14:04:41+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> but now I would like to get your personal opinion, what bookmaker do you prefer and how to choose the most reliable one there? Thanks

Statistics: Posted by xavier3 — Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:04 pm

2022-02-23T13:58:31+00:00 2022-02-23T13:58:31+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Welcome and Hello]]> Statistics: Posted by xavier3 — Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:58 pm

2022-01-14T14:44:41+00:00 2022-01-14T14:44:41+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: How do you save your blue print strategies?]]>
I will calculate the size of the tree, and estimate the memory needs. Maybe there is a mistake on my end. Thanks for the hint!

With discounted MCCFR, I meant, that I discount the regret as written in the pluribus paper:
I am not sure if this is different from the linear MCCFR?

decay = ((float(m_iteration)) / m_maxIteration) / ((float(m_iteration)) / (m_maxIteration + 1));

I am using external sampling MCCFR as far as I understood.
and you are right, 5M iterations is indeed a very small number of runs, but as said I cannot run more for now without running into memory problems - I believe there is a mistake on my end then... I will double check my code and count my public nodes. Thanks for your help! Highly appreciated!


Statistics: Posted by AceOfSpades — Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:44 pm

2022-01-12T12:33:44+00:00 2022-01-12T12:33:44+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: How do you save your blue print strategies?]]>
you should not be running out of memory with that small abstraction size. how many preflop/flop/turn/river nodes are in your public tree?

saving/loading blueprint is also pretty simple, just save/load the strategy to/from disk. if you are storing the regrets/strategy at each node then just iterate over every node and save/load that node.

your 25bb results look off. that is the small blind strategy? only hands that should be folding are like 92o-32o, maybe 83o/73o.

what is discounted mccfr? the way that weighting regrets works in cfr+/discounted cfr don't apply well to mccfr because of the variance. linear mccfr is a method that does a big block of iterations and then weights them.

5m iterations for mccfr is really really small. it doesn't sound like external sampling mccfr. are you using something else? maybe public chance sampling?

pm me if you want another place to discuss this type of stuff

Statistics: Posted by llllllllll — Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:33 pm

2022-01-05T19:05:11+00:00 2022-01-05T19:05:11+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: How do you save your blue print strategies?]]>
Since this topic does not receive any feedback and the board seems rather dead, I will suspend this thread.


Statistics: Posted by AceOfSpades — Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:05 pm

2021-12-27T20:46:56+00:00 2021-12-27T20:46:56+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> Statistics: Posted by Player50 — Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:46 pm

2021-12-27T14:40:27+00:00 2021-12-27T14:40:27+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: How do you save your blue print strategies?]]>


I still have not worked on a proper way to save blue prints. For now I am digging through Fossana's C++ solver, added support for post river bets and removed the thread building blocks dependencies. I think I got it working - but, I don't have any GTO solver at hand to compare any results. I'll try to plug some ranges from my blue print strategies to the solver in the few next days and do some research on depth limited solving.

I'll keep you poseted!


Statistics: Posted by AceOfSpades — Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:40 pm

2021-12-26T17:48:43+00:00 2021-12-26T17:48:43+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • How do you save your blue print strategies?]]> My cards abstraction is based on the following bucket sizes 169-200-200-200 and based on the eart mover distance metric. My action abstraction allows for 6 different actions and is limitted to 4 actions per street.
The biggest problem is saving and loading blueprints. I cannot compute the entire game tree at once as I run out of RAM quickly. For that reason, I do runs that use my entire RAM (~64GB RAM), save all nodes to disk and start the training again.

For now, I just put everything in a folder structure, that represents the game tree and create small binary files for each leaf holding the strategy. This makes it quite convenient to navigate through the game tree, but saving and loading takes 95% of the training time. (And deleting the tree from disc takes ages...)
I also tried to store a single binary file for the entire blueprint stategy, but that does not help, if I re-run the training and need to load only parts of the entire blue print strategy into memory.

I am currently thinking of creating a database with nested sets. Once the entire game tree is created its topology should not change (with the assumption that you stick to your card and action abstraction) and I can update the leafs.
Has anyone tried something in that direction or is there an alternative approach that you could recommend?

Statistics: Posted by AceOfSpades — Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:48 pm

2021-12-26T17:19:50+00:00 2021-12-26T17:19:50+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Welcome and Hello]]>
I was a Poker enthusiast quite a while ago when I was still studying at university. Since I have a soft spot for mathematics and the game, I learned programming - (first java and then c++) to automate the Poker and fill the student's pocket a bit.
I have been running a screen scaping bot playing the (at that time) popular short stack strategy, which was easy to programm and was quite succesful until poker sites started to raiesd the minimum buy-in, which then required a more solid strategy than just a bunch of simple rules and a connection to a tracking software. At that point, I stopped developing, and as I graduated, I quit Poker and the focus shifted to other things.

However, my interest in AI never really died and with the prospect of more covid lock downs and winter ahead, i have decided to revive the project of a poker bot - for now, not for playing online, but more as a personal challenge.

I habe been reading this forum for quite some time and decided to sign up and contribute.
Looking forward to get in touch with you!


Statistics: Posted by AceOfSpades — Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:19 pm

2021-06-21T19:08:25+00:00 2021-06-21T19:08:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Simple Postflop GUI bypass]]>
you'll need to reverse engineer the files, i don't think it is publicly available

piosolver allows you to access solutions through the universal poker interface without using the gui

Statistics: Posted by llllllllll — Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:08 pm

2021-06-21T17:40:57+00:00 2021-06-21T17:40:57+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Simple Postflop GUI bypass]]>
is there a way for a custom program to read a pre calculated and saved simulation of Simple Postflop? I would like to read the output of the simulation(.bin file) without using the typical user interface of simple postflop. Do you know how to do this with CMD of any other console?

F.e.: GTO trainer is using the engine in the background without opening the regular simple postflop user interface(GUI).


Statistics: Posted by SimON — Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:40 pm

2021-06-02T09:31:37+00:00 2021-06-02T09:31:37+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: What are average hand values on flop, turn and river?]]> ______________________

Statistics: Posted by AlexMoore — Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:31 am

2021-03-23T01:29:30+00:00 2021-03-23T01:29:30+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: What kind of hardware do you need to make a good bot?]]> llllllllll wrote:

Monte carlo tree search is not currently used in any top agent. They usually just solve until the end of the round (pluribus may only solve until something like the second raise in the round, the specifics are in the paper).

Oh I see, thanks for your input! I'm still confused about the process and looking into it. I guess the tree is too big to search through so you need to limit the depth.

Very promising to hear that this can be done on consumer hardware!

Statistics: Posted by someone_else — Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:29 am

2021-03-22T00:59:45+00:00 2021-03-22T00:59:45+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: What kind of hardware do you need to make a good bot?]]>
Multivalued states far outperform counterfactual value nets when you have limited resources. You can train a superhuman headsup agent on only a few gigabytes of ram. 6max is much more expensive, but can still be done on consumer hardware.

Monte carlo tree search is not currently used in any top agent. They usually just solve until the end of the round (pluribus may only solve until something like the second raise in the round, the specifics are in the paper).

Statistics: Posted by llllllllll — Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:59 am

2021-03-14T23:54:25+00:00 2021-03-14T23:54:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Welcome and Hello]]>
I have a few years experience in C# and now started learning C and C++.

A long time ago I played very intensive on the micro stakes for a year or so.
Only slow deep stack tournaments. But it was becoming too exhausting for me.

I'm generally interested in AI, but also in other areas.
Mainly I'm here to learn, but when I can help, I try to answer if I have the knowledge.

Statistics: Posted by 444F4B — Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:54 pm

2021-03-13T16:30:37+00:00 2021-03-13T16:30:37+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • What kind of hardware do you need to make a good bot?]]>
So, it seems apparent that at the very least you need to use Monte Carlo tree search in combination with the counterfactual regret minimization algorithm to create a good bot but what isn't clear to me is what kind of hardware specs would be required to pull off something like this. How fancy does your hardware need to be exactly? Can someone who has successfully implemented a bot using these two techniques let me know about minimum and recommended hardware specs to get the job done?

Statistics: Posted by someone_else — Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:30 pm

2021-02-24T08:26:04+00:00 2021-02-24T08:26:04+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Please tell me if what I’m asking is doable or slap me]]>
Assuming one wants to write such a thing, where would he look? Would it be possible? And I assume we need a second computer for this? What are the known Pokerstars AC measures against it, since I’m only interested in PS.

What are, in your far wiser opinion which I do want to hear, the flaws of such a concept?

Thanks in advance.

Statistics: Posted by notrizla — Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:26 am

2021-02-22T06:30:31+00:00 2021-02-22T06:30:31+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: PokerStars HH syntax questions]]> I'm doing the same thing right now and generally love poker and other similar games, so I found this topic. I usually play on situs judi bola resmi and it reminded me of this site in some way. I still have some difficulties that I can't solve yet , but there were many more until I found the links in this thread.
The SampleHand section of PS you have is really very cool as the guy above said, I agree with him completely. Tell us a little bit about this project, as I would be very interested to learn more about it.Thank you in advance!!!

Statistics: Posted by COBaker — Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:30 am

2021-01-04T19:27:30+00:00 2021-01-04T19:27:30+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> rocket league trading market where you can but special skills and various boosters. I used to play this game every day for half a year, it was literally an addiction, however I really enjoyed it. It is easy to play, pretty simple and I loved the design of the game itself, you know, such bright colors.

Statistics: Posted by JaneHemmings — Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:27 pm

2021-01-04T19:24:14+00:00 2021-01-04T19:24:14+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> Statistics: Posted by delongtrevor — Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:24 pm

2021-01-04T19:19:44+00:00 2021-01-04T19:19:44+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Online Games]]> Statistics: Posted by evewalther — Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:19 pm

2020-11-29T17:21:46+00:00 2020-11-29T17:21:46+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Flop Evaluation including draws]]> LSI. I like it a lot since I have actually managed to win something with it and they have some really dope cash back return systems. If you guys never tried you should give it a go.

Statistics: Posted by MaxForsyth — Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:21 pm

2020-11-09T05:49:30+00:00 2020-11-09T05:49:30+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: I'm looking for a professional poker player]]> Statistics: Posted by Gerard — Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:49 am

2020-11-10T16:42:44+00:00 2020-11-06T19:03:10+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: I'm looking for a professional poker player]]> botpoker2018 wrote:

Hi Guys, I'm looking for a professional poker player partner to help me create a winning strategy profile on 6-max cash games.
I already have a full account on Sagittarius abz so we can use mine at the moment. If interested please let me know.


I know one guy, but he doesn't play professional poker, but I know he has a lot of experience(I think he's professional)
He lives alone and makes a lot of money in the casino. I don't know how he does it. He wanted to teach me, but I couldn't, I always have little time, I'm always with my family, I have two children and wife and also I have a job, so he showed me a simple way to make money- this is online casino Malaysia . To be honest I do not earn much but there is always a profit of 100 bucks sometimes 50 or even 200. Really, I always have money for the children and in the evening I can relax with a beer and play poker and other games.
but my friend can help you probably:)

Statistics: Posted by Tedy321 — Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:03 pm

2020-04-17T14:06:06+00:00 2020-04-17T14:06:06+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Starting hands rankings]]> Statistics: Posted by nbiresev — Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:06 pm

2020-04-17T10:40:40+00:00 2020-04-17T10:40:40+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Starting hands rankings]]> Statistics: Posted by delongtrevor — Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:40 am

2020-04-09T14:50:37+00:00 2020-04-09T14:50:37+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Warning!]]> The issue is that the rake that poker site take is huge, this is why only very low % of players are long term winners, around 2% of all players.
So the same is with bots, it is very difficult to beat the rake, and besides rake opponents are quite advanced in last years due to presence of solvers.

Statistics: Posted by nbiresev — Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:50 pm

2020-04-08T23:08:50+00:00 2020-04-08T23:08:50+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Warning!]]> 99.99% That you will not succeed if you do not do this for 10 years +.
I came here across the unsurpassed activity of people who do not understand anything in poker or robots at all.
I dont know english well, so cant write all what I feeling. But people! just dont try to make easy money on poker!
There are thouthands who tryed before and less than hundred who take sucsess in this. (it was not lotterey, it was mutch work)
So think twice, or better just decline propositions with final bot solution.

Statistics: Posted by nefton — Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:08 pm

2020-03-06T11:14:29+00:00 2020-03-06T11:14:29+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: I'm looking for a professional poker player]]> Statistics: Posted by KidorioL — Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:14 am

2020-03-03T11:41:52+00:00 2020-03-03T11:41:52+00:00 <![CDATA[Miscellaneous • Re: Fastest 7 card hand evaluator?]]> ... &hilit=lut might interest you.

Statistics: Posted by spears — Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:41 am
