Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2014-05-04T19:35:18+00:00 2014-05-04T19:35:18+00:00 2014-05-04T19:35:18+00:00 <![CDATA[Interested in hiring someone to create a bot for HTML5 room]]>
I am looking for someone who can create a bot for a HTML5 room. It's definitely possible as one of my friend has done it however will not share the source / software with me. Basically i want this bot to just automate the actions, the AI will be human. The bot will have to sit down at a table and play , fetch the current hand history , send it to an external server and wait for the answer from the external server (which would be CALL , FOLD, RAISE, AMOUNT) and use that to make the moves. Please do let me know if someone can do this for me.

Contact me via email : [email protected] / Skype : thejaxcorporation

Willing to pay for the same. Thanks a lot.

Statistics: Posted by vinodm89 — Sun May 04, 2014 7:35 pm
