Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2022-10-27T08:31:25+00:00 2022-10-27T08:31:25+00:00 2022-10-27T08:31:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Using similar flops as starting point for solves?]]> Statistics: Posted by spears — Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:31 am

2022-10-22T15:19:41+00:00 2022-10-22T15:19:41+00:00 <![CDATA[Using similar flops as starting point for solves?]]>
Eg solve for flop 2c3c4c -> regret sum and strategy sum is passed to 2c3c5 solve as a starting point -> solve for 2c3c5c.

This seems like a good way to speed up solving over a range of flops? Is this commonly done? Has this been written about in any research papers anywhere? or maybe I'm missing something and this wouldn't work at all? gimme any input u got

Statistics: Posted by b4rny — Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:19 pm
