Poker AI and Botting Discussion Forum 2013-11-28T09:37:02+00:00 2013-11-28T09:37:02+00:00 2013-11-28T09:37:02+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: rock paper scissors != FSM]]> ) brought infinit ourself. With assumption that game wil be infinitely long time.
If we assumpt that game wil be N times (100 000 hands for example). In that case Player strategy(mixed or none) is finit number.
(Not only for HA games)

I proud of miself :)

Statistics: Posted by nefton — Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:37 am

2013-11-28T09:23:17+00:00 2013-11-28T09:23:17+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: rock paper scissors != FSM]]>

Statistics: Posted by nefton — Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:23 am

2013-11-28T09:04:36+00:00 2013-11-28T09:04:36+00:00 <![CDATA[rock paper scissors != FSM]]> Proof:
each player (from both) can choose not only rock paper scissors, but also mixed strategy.
For example rock = 50% paper = 20% scissors = 30%
But it means that player strategy (and player move in fact) have infinite states!
Ant it means that the game with infinit variants of player moves is not FSM.

Statistics: Posted by nefton — Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:04 am
