Then rather than comparing this to a database, I upscale the image. Iirc it's a 4x4 grid (actually it may be 8x8 I can't remember exactly what it is). And then I compare this image to my database of upscaled ones. I find this works pretty well.
Ofcourse it also depends on how you then proceed to compare the image to your database. I think a NN is probably OTT for this since the letters are clear (not like a CAPTCHA). I think a simplistic but efficient way is to compare pixel by pixel with each letter in the database, making sure that your function keeps a record of the %match between the images. If it hits a 100% match it breaks out the loop & declares that card, otherwise it uses the highest percentage match. Although it's highly likely that you will always get a 100% match since it's the same font with no major noise.
One major problem (usually) with pixel by pixel comparison (perhaps not in the context of a pokersite screen scrape but w/e) is the speed. Using the upscaling method as mentioned above significantly increases the speed of your comparison aswell as the chance of a match.
In terms of figuring the suit. That's pretty easy. Use the 4 colour deck, and before you mess about converting to monotone and doing the comparison stuff, just test the pixel colour of the number.Statistics: Posted by MerlinsBeard — Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:00 pm